Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It's A Girl

I have been pretty bad about posting lately. My store finally opened, so I have been pretty busy with that.

After 3 sonograms, it is official. We are having a little girl! A very active one at that. The job of picking a name has been very difficult. I search name books daily.

On the knitting scene, I have been knitting for others. I finished a darling sweater for my friend Stephanie and pictures will be up soon. I am very excited to start knitting from Itty Bitty Baby Hats. Could they be any cuter?!?!

I will post some more pictures when I finish the sleeves on another cute sweater.


Samantha said...

Congratulations! Little girls are so much fun! :) We don't know the gender of our baby yet (hoping to find out March 26th) but hubby and I have already decided on names. It was crazy, because unlike with our last two children, finding a name (one for each gender) was pretty easy ... once we found what we liked we stuck with it. :)

Ruth said...

Congratulations on your daughter!! We're having a girl, too, and I'm really looking forward to it ... girls are much more fun to dress than boys.

The Name Debate is a toughie ... we're at an impasse for this one, but at least we still have a few months to make up our minds.